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Key plan to Prictor’s Dunedin 1898.
Through image on stone: [numerals & key]; margin below image c. in ink: T.M. Hocken; label: Na te Hakena Tenei Tiki.
Dunedin looking down the line of Stafford Street.
Verso c. in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: An unfinished copy from no 1. Done by Robert Fulton in 1849 & given to me by his brother James Fulton in 1894. Dunedin looking down the line of Stafford St. Very similar to Kettle’s View of Dunedin & Upper…
City of Dunedin. 1864.
Lower right (l.r.) with brush: W. Handcock; label: City of Dunedin by W. Handcock, 1864; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: W. Handcock was the first drawing master of the Boys’ High School. His watercolour is very accurate. By the old…
Key plan of Mr (Sir Wm) Fox’s Dunedin in Jan.y, 1849.
Lower right (l.r.) in ink: T.M.H. March 23, 1898; l.c in ink: Key plan of Mr (Sir Wm) Foxí Dunedin in Jan.y, 1849; u.l. in ink: 1. The First Church 2. Mr Garrickís house (Royal Hotel afterwards) 3. Emigrants Barracks 4. High Street 5. Maori landing…
North East Valley, from View Street near Dunedin.
Lower left (l.l.) on stone: F. Johns; on mount in ink: North East Valley, from View Street 1862; on mount in Dr Hocken’s hand: Dunedin about December 1861 (Taken from View St); label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: In the foreground & running up to…
Dunedin 1862, from the zig-zag of Graham Street, between High and McLaggan Streets.
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: R.S. Kelly; on old mount: T.M. Hocken; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The road above the quarry conceals the present road to Canongate St. Beyond is Victoria PArk, to the right of Serpentine Avenue. The solitary…
Royal Hotel, Dunedin.
Lower centre (l.c.) in ink: RTR [monogram first R reversed] pinx 7/11/76; l.r. in ink: phot. 1858; on mount in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Royal Hotel, Dunedin. T.M. Hocken; label: Na Te Hakena Tenei Tiki; verso mount in ink: First hotel in Dunedin.…
Key plan to Mr G.B. Shaw’s picture of Dunedin in 1851. Drawn by Mrs Hocken in 1892.
Margin below image in ink: Key plan to Mr G.B. Shaw’s picture of Dunedin in 1851. Drawn by Mrs Hocken in 1892. Original in Dr Hocken’s possession. Full account of this picture, & of one of Port Chalmers by same artist is written in copybook and…