Royal Hotel, Dunedin.
Alternative Title
Royal Hotel, Dunedin. Drawn 1876 from photo taken in 1858.
Date Created
Hocken Pictorial Collections - 12,223
Lower centre (l.c.) in ink: RTR [monogram first R reversed] pinx 7/11/76; l.r. in ink: phot. 1858; on mount in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Royal Hotel, Dunedin. T.M. Hocken; label: Na Te Hakena Tenei Tiki; verso mount in ink: First hotel in Dunedin. Established 1848. Old Royal Hotel, corner Princes St & Rattray St (N.E. corner) Dunedin. From origin.l photo. by Mr Jas Wilson taken about 1855 [superimposed over 7 or 8]. The property of Mr George Smith, Dunedin 1 Dec. 1896 RR [monogram first R reversed]; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The Royal Hotel, Princes St, Dunedin, now the site of the Bank of N.Z. Originally the house of Mr David Garrick who came out in the John Wickliffe in 1848. Leaving shortly, he sold the section to McDonald, the first landlord, for £100, afterwards sold to George Smith for £300, to W,C, Young & Ed. McGlashan for £1600 & then in 1863 to the BAnk for £9000. For long it was the southernmost hotel in Her Majesty’s Dominions. To the right is just visible the Provincial Council Chambers where is now the Cargill Monument. The horseman is at the corner of Princes & Rattray St.s where are now the Government Insurance Offices. The artist was Mr Thomas [superimposed over Robert] Redmayne of Castle St, an old identity & great contributor to the Otago Punch. T.M.H.
203 x 272 mm
pencil & wash on paper
Spatial Coverage
Temporal Coverage
Dr T.M. Hocken’s Collection.
Dr T.M. Hocken’s Collection.
Redmayne, Thomas, “Royal Hotel, Dunedin.,” | OUR Heritage, accessed February 13, 2025,