Abraham Ortelius (1527-98), rightly called the 'Father of Modern Cartography', developed the idea of assembling a compendium of maps to form an atlas. The first edition of his "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" was published in 1570 and it was a great…
The Magistrates of the Town hearing of my Letter, received me as a Publick Minister, they provided me with Carriages and Servants, and bore my Charges to Yedo [Tokyo], where I was admitted to an Audience, and delivered my Letter, which was opened…
1 map in 12 sections ; 79 x 150 cm., sections each 25 x 37 cm. + explanatory book (31 p. ; 38 cm.)
Scale indeterminable.
In case with title: La pianta di Roma del 1625
1 map in 12 sections ; 148 x 145 cm., sections each 37 x 48 cm. + explanatory book (10 p. ; 43 cm.)
Scala di mille passi che fanno in miglio Italiano.
In case with title: La pianta di Roma del 1676.
Facsimile reprint of 1676 edition.
1 map in 12 sections ; 139 x 166 cm., sections each 35 x 56 cm. + explanatory book (35 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill. ; 43 cm.
Scale indeterminable.
Reprint of 1748 map.
Title from explanatory book.
Lower left (l.l.) in ink: Plan showing the relative positions of the Maori strongholds of Paterangi & Pikopiko; through image in ink: [location notes & scale]
1 map in 12 sections ; 105 x 243 cm., sections each 51 x 40 cm. + explanatory book (12 p. ; 44 cm.)
Facsimile reprint on 1606 ed.
On case title: La pianta di Roma del 1606 (1593).
Lower centre (l.c.) in ink: Sketch map of coast country from Camp Alexander’s farm to the Waitotara. Scale - 1 inch to the mile. Copied from Mr Field’s survey and from observation by E.A. Williams, L.t Col. R.A.; through image in ink: [location…
Upper right (u.r.) in ink: Sketch map of the Waikato country; through image in ink: [directions, key & location notes]; verso: [letter concluding:] It has been suggested to me that the Illustrated News would be glad to publish the sketch map and…