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"Of the Muscles of the Anus.
Various Accounts are given us by Anatomists of the Muscles of the Anus. Galen divides its Sphincter into two, viz. Carnosus and Cutaneus; which with the two Levatores, make four Muscles belonging to this Part. Riolan…

"Of the Muscles of the Four Lesser Toes.
These (like the Muscles of the Fingers) we shall divide into Common and Proper. The Common Muscles of the Toes are such, as have their Tendons inserted into all the lesser Toes, as the Extensor Digitorum…

"Of the Muscles of the Foot
The Foot has seven Muscles properly employ'd in its Motions ... "(Cowper, 1724, Chap. XXXIV)
"Of the Muscles of the Great Toe.
The great Toe is moved by its proper Muscles, which we reckon to be six in number…

"Of the Muscles of the Thigh
The Enumeration, Description and Office of the Muscles belonging to this Part, is variously set down by different Authors" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XXXII).

" Of the Muscles of the Radius.
The Radius is bent and extended in common with the Ulna, or Cubitus; but besides that, it hath also a proper Motion, in which the Carpus together with the Hand is chiefly moved, or turned, either upwards or…

"Of the Muscles of the Wrist, or Carpus.
These are well described by most Authors, and receive their names from their Situation and Use" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XXX).

"Of the Muscles of the Four Fingers
These we shall divide into Common and Proper. The Common Muscles of the Fingers are such, as arise from the external or internal Protuberances of the Os Humeri, and subdividing themselves, are inserted into most,…

"Of the Muscles of the Cubit.
The lower part of the Arm from the Elbow to the Wrist is called the Cubit, which is bended and extended by five Muscles, namely, Biceps, Brachiaeus Internus, Gemellus, Brachiaeus Externus, and Anconaeus" (Cowper, 1724,…

"Of the Muscles of the Neck
The Muscles of the Neck move the Head secondarily, whence they are esteemed as Common to both. Of these Authors reckon four pair, namely the Longi Colli, the Scaleni, (which according to Falloppius are described amongst…

"Of the Muscles of the Head
The Head is moved by Muscles that are either Common or Proper" (Cowper, Chap. XXII).

"Of the Muscles of the Thorax
The Muscles of the Thorax may be divided into Proper and Common" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XIX).

"Of the Muscles of the Scapula, or Shoulder-Blade.
These Muscles make the second Division of those relating to the Motion…

"Of the Muscles of the Larynx
These Muscles of the Larynx are generally divided into Common and Proper" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XVII).

"Of the Muscles of the Fauces" (Cowper, 1724, Chap. XVI).

"Of the Muscles of the Internal Ear.
... three Muscles belong to the Malleus, of which the first, that appears in Dissection, is the Externus of Aquapendens; the second is the Externus of Du Verny, which we call Obliquus Auris; and the third is the…
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