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Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: Hospital; on sketchbook mount: Government Hospital, Auckland. 1849; on flypage of sketchbook in ink: Thomas Morland Hocken from Sir William Fox. Sir William Fox who well knew the interest I took in old New Zealand & was a…

S15-670e   Poster Ephemera.jpg

Sheet music of Louis A. Benzoni's 'Good old New Zealand'

Cabinet 16 Gomorrah.jpg

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A caricature depicting a Medical Professor, William Percy Gowland with a Science professor, J. K. H. Inglis, playing golf with two Humanities Professors, Thomas Dagger Adams and H. Ramsay. The caricature is entitled "Keep Your Eye On The Ball". The…

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1853; on mount in ink: Gold workers, Ceylon. 1853

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: W. Deverell Jany 1880; margin below image in pencil: Gog & Magog Stewart Island.

Sheet music of 'God defend New Zealand : dedicated by permission to His Excellency the most honorable the Marquis Governor of Normanby, New Zealand'

Patrick Lafcadio Hearn reinvented himself. He was known as Patrick in his native Ireland, Lafcadio in America, and Yakumo Koizumi in Japan. He wrote 11 substantial books about his adopted country. On arrival he was given useful advice: 'Do not fail…

Lower left (l.l.) in ink: 1853; on mount in ink: Gibraltar from the Inner Roads; Neutral Ground; Galleries; Town; Mole; Jetty

1625 Vrbino.jpg

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1625 Venice.jpg

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1625 Turin.jpg

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