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Cabinet 3 Scholia cover.jpg


Cabinet 3 Aeschyli cover.jpg


In 1754 Robert Adam left Scotland for France and Italy on a Grand Tour. In Italy he met the French architect, Charles Louis Clérisseau, and the Italian, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, who would both have a significant influence upon him and his later…

On stone: Auckland in the distance. Taurarua Point. Printing office. Washhouse. Bishop’s house. English school. Hall. Kitchen. Maori adult school. Weaving room. Surgery. Rangitoto Isle. St Thomas’s church, Tamaki. College Chapel. Maori Boys…

Cab 2-0002.jpg

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Sheet music of Arnold Abbott and Hal Abbott's 'Neath the light of a perfect peace.'

This small watercolour of Dunedin from Little Paisley was painted by Edward Immyns Abbot in 1849. The work was acquired by Dr T.M. Hocken who described the artist as ‘a young surveyor of superior abilities’. The surveyor’s role was to record…

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