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Although Sir Uvedale Price (1747-1829) cannot be described as a writer of gardening manuals, his theoretical contributions to the debate over what constituted a ‘picturesque' landscape greatly influenced practising landscape gardeners. His Essays…

This early version of the coffee-table book provides interesting insights into assumptions about Italian life, with its lively images of landmarks, religious processions, and peasant life. Given the French title and lack of publishing information, it…

This book on the buildings and ruins of Rome by the 17th century artist and engraver, Giovanni Maggi, is typical of the works by which the ruins of antiquity became known outside Italy through that century. The remnant of the Temple of Jupiter Stator…

In 2 vols.

Rural scenery is so congenial to the human mind, that there are few persons who do not indulge the hope of retiring at some period into the country.' So begins John Claudius Loudon's A Treatise on Forming, Improving and Managing Country…

Following a stay in Rome in 1650, Fréart de Chambray published this anthology of ten ancient and modern writers on the classical orders. He argues that the Greek orders (the Doric, the Ionic, and Corinthian) are perfect models for all architecture…

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