Browse Items (174 total)

A caricature of Professor William Percy Gowland with a skeleton behind him in an identical pose, illustrated by Russell Clark.

A caricature of seven members of the Medical School staff, including one woman, illustrated by Russell Clark and dated October 1934.

Lower left (l.l.) with brush: Bn; through image with brush: Superintendent; l.c. with brush: The fox and the grapes, hang it!, I dont want it.

Upper left (u.l.) in pencil: 17; u.c. in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The landing of the first emigrants in 1848. Captain Cargill leads the way. T.M.H.

Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: How Otago is being settled; through image in pencil: Ye diggers cutting away, Ye bullocks charging them, Ye squatters flourishing stock whip; margin left in pencil: 12; margin below image in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: A…

Through image in pencil: Isaa…, M. Levy, 21; margin below in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Mr (afterwards Sir Julius) Vogel’s address to the electors. An excellent likeness. 1863. T.M.H.; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Mr Vogel’s address to…

Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: J. Brown; margin below in pencil: You cannot be admitted, you are only a retailer; through image in pencil: Öe AlbÖ, Pleasure trip for those who are A1 at Greers; u.c. in ink in Dr Hockenís hand: Class distinctions…

Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: J. Brown; l.c. in pencil: St. Andrew: “It’s no use getting your monkey up, I am very Ca-u-tious”; u.c. in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Mr Macandrew, whose spare hat was most useful in the case of inconvenient and…

Lower centre (l.c.) in pencil: Recreation on the Town Belt; through image in ink: 1. 2. 4; u.c. in ink in Dr Hockenís hand: The manner of man in the early days. 1. Mr John McGlashan; 2. Mr W.H.Cutten; 3. Dr Purdie, Circa 1858, T.M.H.;label in ink:…

Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: J.B.; l.c. in pencil: The Coming Man; l.c. in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Mr James Macandrew. 1852. T.M.H.

Lower centre (l.c.) in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Almost the only way in the early days of reaching the Legislative Council at Auckland. Captain Cargill takes it. Circa 1854. T.M.H.; on label in ink: The only way in the early days of reaching the…

Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: Diogenes -Rant, viewing with contempt, the follies of the age; through image in pencil: Let Otago flourish, High School, Advance Dunedin, Dunedin Saturday Review, Wormwood, Gall, Hope, the balm of life, Beggars Petition;…
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