‘Synopsis of Results’ from Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1955-1958. Scientific Reports. No. 1
Expedition Reports Q115 T7 1955
London: Trans-Antarctic Expedition Committee
The motivation of the TAE was to further scientific research in the region. In this publication, Fuchs describes the expedition as an ‘exploratory journey’ and says that ‘advances in various scientific disciplines indicated a need for further knowledge of the interior of the continent’. Fuchs was a geologist and he led a team of scientists who collected data on the hundred day trek. Gravity measurements and seismic soundings (to establish a ‘sub-ice profile’) were made; studies of the glaciology and phytoplankton were carried out; research was conducted into the geomorphology, petrology and geochemistry on the ice to discover whether the ice itself had depleted over the centuries. The back of this volume lists all the publications that were available for purchase.
V.E. Fuchs, “‘Synopsis of Results’ from Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1955-1958. Scientific Reports. No. 1,” ourheritage.ac.nz | OUR Heritage, accessed March 7, 2025, https://otago.ourheritage.ac.nz/items/show/9626.