Kalendarium hortense


Alternative Title

Kalendarium Hortense in John Evelyn Sylva
A Discourse of forest-trees, and the propagation of timber in His Majesties dominions

Date Created



Ec 1679 E [de Beer Special Collections]



Printed for John Martyn, printer to the Royal Society: London


The de Beer collection contains three editions of John Evelyn's (1620-1705) Silva (or Sylva), the first publication officially sponsored by the Royal Society. This book promoted the planting of trees to avert the timber crisis facing the British navy. The first (1664) edition of Sylva was bound with his Kalendarium Hortense, a garden calendar which instructed readers what operations should be completed in the kitchen garden, orchard and flower garden in each month. Garden calendars have been a popular genre since the 16th century, due to the importance of performing many gardening activities at a set time each year.
As it was deliver'd in the Royal Society the xvth of October, MDCLXII. upon occasion of certain quæries propounded to that illustrious assembly, by the honourable the principal officers, and commissioners of the Navy. Terra, a philosophical essay of earth, being a lecture in course. To which is annexed Pomona: or, An appendix concerning fruit-trees in relation to cider; the making, and several ways of ordering it. Published by express order of the Royal Society. Also Kalendarium Hortense; or, The gard'ners almanac; directing what he is to do monthly throughout the year. All which several treatises are in this third edition much inlarged, and improved. By John Evelyn Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society.


Edwards, I.
Rex, James
Holland, Thomas
Martyn, John




Evelyn, John, “Kalendarium hortense,” ourheritage.ac.nz | OUR Heritage, accessed March 13, 2025, https://otago.ourheritage.ac.nz/items/show/7521.