Wairau Plain.

Date Created



Hocken Pictorial Collections - 12,900


Lower right (l.r.) of c. with brush: a; labels in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The Wairau Plain. A. The site of the massacre. In 1843 Mr Thompson, Police Magistrate went with a party of about fifty men to arrest Rauparaha and Rangihaeata on charge of arson, they having burnt the house of two surveyors. The Maoris refused to surrender and a fight ensued which resulted in the retreat of the Europeans. A number of them, including some unarmed gentlemen surrendered waving a white handkerchief. Peace was made with Rauparaha, but Rangihaeata on joining the party mercilessly tomahawked all the captives, one of whom was Captain Arthur Wakefield. The Big Bush. Sir Wm Fox.; on flypage of sketchbook in ink: Thomas Morland Hocken from Sir William Fox. Sir William Fox who well knew the interest I took in old New Zealand & was a frequent visitor at my house, promised to bequeath me these sketches which he commenced to take from the time of his arrival in New Zealand in 1842.


2 sheets of paper, each: 361 x 722 mm; joined to form: 220 x 722 mm



Temporal Coverage


Sketchbook bequeathed to Dr T.M. Hocken by Sir William Fox in 1893; Dr T.M. Hocken’s Collection.

Is Part Of

Fox sketchbook


Landscapes & Cityscapes




Fox, William, 1812-1893, “Wairau Plain.,” ourheritage.ac.nz | OUR Heritage, accessed March 13, 2025, https://otago.ourheritage.ac.nz/items/show/5227.