Port Chalmers, Otago.

Date Created



Hocken Pictorial Collections - 12,239


Verso in ink: 40; label on mount: Sir Wm Fox; on sketchbook mount in indian ink superimposed over iron gall ink: Port Chalmers, Otago. 1850. Martin & Tyser's store - bonded store (to right) added. Roebuck's house built on S. Williams' section, now (1894) Bauchop's sawmill. McKays Port Chalmers Hotel. John Anderson's house behind. George St with Thistle Inn [illeg]. Dugald James [crossed out] Andersons (now Bank of NZ), at the back, apparently, but really a little above Wetherall's house (an old whaler's). Morgan Evans' store (between corner of George & Mount Streets) in front & to right of NZ Company's store, afterwards Custom House. Still portion to right & front old brick house of first surveyor, Davison.; on flypage of sketchbook in ink: Thomas Morland Hocken from Sir William Fox. Sir William Fox who well knew the interest I took in old New Zealand & was a frequent visitor at my house, promised to bequeath me these sketches which he commenced to take from the time of his arrival in New Zealand in 1842.


170 x 250 mm


watercolour on paper

Spatial Coverage

Temporal Coverage


Sketchbook bequeathed to Dr T.M. Hocken by Sir William Fox in 1893; Dr T.M. Hocken’s Collection.

Is Part Of

Fox sketchbook


Seascapes & Marines
Landscapes & Cityscapes




Fox, William, 1812-1893, “Port Chalmers, Otago.,” ourheritage.ac.nz | OUR Heritage, accessed March 13, 2025, https://otago.ourheritage.ac.nz/items/show/5214.