Lower right (l.r.) in brown ink: T.L. Stanley 1869; u.r. in ink: T.M. Hocken; on mount in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The former swampy flat now covered by Caversham, South Dunedin, S.t Kilda, & S.t Clair. The gable of the Benevolent Institution well…
Lower right (l.r.) in ink: Mere-Mere N.Z.; verso in ink: [fragment of letter beginning:] 13 On the back I have scribbled for your amusement a little scratch of Mere-Mere, (Tomahawk) such a pretty view down the Waikato … 3678
On original sketchbook mount: Pukerimu, Landing Place April 1864; verso in ink: Looking down the Waikato from the landing place, commissariat stores - the steamer coming up with flats in tow…[letter continues]…I read your letters looking on the…
Upper right (u.r.) in ink: 2 Auckland from the “Falcon”; u.r. in pencil: April 64; through image in ink: Hulk with native prisoners. M.t Eden. Fort Britomart. Long Wharf. F.t Britomart; verso in ink: 3678
Through image in pencil: Lambert Printer etc, remedy for the Gout, L.L. Smith Pills; margin below in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: Mr Lambert, editor of the “Colonist” ill-used by one (… who considered himself ill-used in the columns of the paper.…
Lower left (l.l.) with brush: J.Brown; through image with brush: Welcome Gore Browne; l.c. in ink in Dr Hocken's hand: Governor Gore Browneís first visit to the Settlement of Otago in January 1856. William Simpson the shoemaker assures his…