Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: Mouth of the Patea EW [monogram]; verso in pencil: No 6; on sketchbook mount: Our base of operations of the Patea - Wanganui Coast 3 wrecks at same time
Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: Patea 6 March EW [monogram]; verso in ink: Some curious rocks near the mouth of the Patea River the flagstaff shews the position of our second camp at that Place - cliffs about 200ft high
Attributed to Charles Heaphy. Attributed to Edward Williams. See also Patea by Charles Heaphy, 1839 in Turnbull. Attribution made by Tim Garrity after discussion with Marion Minson (ATL) and Ro Entwisle (DUHo), both of whom thought the work was by…
Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: Patea EW [monogram]; verso in pencil: The gun park of the H.D Qu.r Column on the Patea 20 Feb.y 65; verso with brush: Patea; On original sketchbook mount: Our Seige Train & flying Artillery
Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Troops crossing Patea River, NZ; through image with brush: W. L.t Com.d.r R.Artillery L. Col Williams Roy. Artill; verso: 61