Margin below image in iron gall ink: Te Rori; margin below image in pencil: on Waikato [crossed out] Waipa; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; l.r. in pencil: 61; u.l. in…
Margin below image in pencil: Rangiriri 19th Sep. 64 from Armitage’s; margin above image in pencil: Rangiriri on the Waikato. Capt. Mercer killed in action 1863 died from his wound a few days after at Queen’s Redoubt; margin below image in iron…
Margin below image in iron gall ink: I’m not sure if Ngaruawahia be not the dullest place I know in wet weather, but let the sun shine and Hey Presto! [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 41.