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Cabinet 16 Gomorrah.jpg

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Cabinet 2 Florence Trinity Bridge.jpg

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Cabinet 1 Map of Roads.jpg

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Cabinet 3 pages 66-67.jpg

Cabinet 7 Venetian Life Vol1 p98-99.jpg

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Cabinet 7 Venetian Life Vol 2 cover.jpg

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Cabinet 1 p2.jpg


Typical of a whole class of spiritual guides to Rome, this little volume lists the holy sights and quantifies the redemptive value of visiting each in terms of indulgences and remission of sins. If one had only a limited time to spend in Rome, such a…

This early version of the coffee-table book provides interesting insights into assumptions about Italian life, with its lively images of landmarks, religious processions, and peasant life. Given the French title and lack of publishing information, it…
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