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Erebus Terror PL16.jpg
Casarca variegata - New Zealand Sheldrake or Paradise Duck

Erebus Terror PL14.jpg
Ocydromus australis, South Island Woodhen or Weka

Erebus Terror PL11.jpg
Thinornis rossii, [Auckland Islands Shore Plover]

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Strigops habroptilus, Kakapo, New Zealand flightless parrot

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Petroica dieffenbachii, South Island Tomtit. Petroica albifrons, South Island Robin

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Certhiparus novae zealandiae, New Zealand creeper. Certhiparus abicillus, the White-head

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Gerygone flaviventris, Grey Warbler. Gerygone albifrontata, Chatham gerygone

Erebus Terror PL3.jpg
Acanthisitta longipes, Bush Wren. Acanthisitta chloris, Rifleman

Erebus Terror PL2.jpg
Anthornis melanocephala, the Chatham Bellbird, now extinct.

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