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After the tea has been dried so that it is brittle and black, it is ready for the final process of sifting. The tea is screened through a sieve before it is put into storage boxes. This painting is one of a set of colorful paintings depicting the…

This painting which shows workers carrying tea in boxes to be sampled by two men is one of a set of colorful paintings depicting the tea industry in China.

This painting which shows workers drying the tea leaves is one of a set of colorful paintings depicting the tea industry in China.

This painting is one of a set of colorful paintings depicting the tea industry in China.

This painting which shows workers securing the lids on boxes of tea being sampled inside by two men is one of a set of colorful paintings depicting the tea industry in China.

This painting which shows one of the machines used in the tea-industry is one of a set of colorful paintings depicting the tea industry in China.

This painting, which depicts two men standing in chests of tea is one of a set of colorful paintings depicting the tea industry in China.

This painting, which depicts pickers unloading their baskets is one of a set of colorful paintings depicting the tea industry in China.

Margin below image in ink: T.M. Hocken; label: Na Te Hakena Tenei Tiki.

In 1867, the last shōgun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu, resigned and the Emperor, Mutsuhito, regained the position of actual head of government. Mutsuhito took the name Meiji ('enlightened government') to designate his reign and this became his imperial…

In 1844, Evariste Régis Huc (1813-1860), a French Lazarist missionary, was ordered to explore the area surrounding the mission at Si-Wang (Hsi-wan-tse), about 200 kilometres to the northwest of Peking (Beijing). He and his companion, Joseph Gabet,…

As sketched by our own artist at ten oclock pm Monday 30th June 1884. Lister Hutton & Co Litho.

A photograph of the Men’s Athletic Team for the Easter Tournament of 1910 or 1911. The students are wearing their uniforms which have a large O stitched onto the chest. They are also photographed with their awards and trophies.

Margin in ink: T.M. Hocken; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The Miranda, Cap. R. Jenkins, & the Fawn Cap. R.P. Cator were ordered up from Taranaki by Commodore Seymore after the cessation of hostilities. To the left is the suburb of Parnell with…

Margin in ink: T.M. Hocken; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: The North Shore is now connected with Auckland by a frequent steam service. Lake Takapuna is one of the most picturesque spots near Auckland. The Maoris had a tradition that it was…

Margin in ink: T.M. Hocken; label in ink in Dr Hocken’s hand: These six views of the Province of Auckland were drawn by Major Frederick Rice Stack, Major of Brigade & were dedicated to Governor Sir George Grey. They were accompanied by some…

Margin below image in ink: Wanganui. N.Z. Oct.r 1847; on mount in ink in Dr Hockenís hand: Wanganui 1847 showing stockades and settlers houses some of which were fortified. T.M.H.; label in ink in Dr Hocken's hand: The town of Petre which soon…

Lower right (l.r.) with brush: C. Sommers.

On mount in ink: T.M. Hocken. John Robert Godley was born in 1814 at Killigar, Ireland. Educated at harrow & Christchurch, Oxford. He then travelled extensively & in 1844 published his Letters from America marked by great ability & thought. This work…
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