Justification Statement for the proposed purchase of the Knox Sunday School building by the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy
5 October 1966
Prof Angus Ross Papers: Paper relating to Pharmacy accommodation, MS-1050/029. Hocken Archives and Manuscripts
By 1966 it was already clear that pharmacy was desperately in need of more space for its students and staff. Prof Fastier determinedly advocated, within the university, for an increase in the space given to pharmacy. One solution to this problem was the purchase of the Knox Sunday School building, referred to in the above Justification Statement.Student numbers were increasing and by 1968 the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy was spread across six buildings. Accommodation would continue to be an issue that constrained the development of pharmacy within the University.
Emeritus Professor Fred Fastier, “Justification Statement for the proposed purchase of the Knox Sunday School building by the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy,” ourheritage.ac.nz | OUR Heritage, accessed March 13, 2025, https://otago.ourheritage.ac.nz/index.php/items/show/7734.