De modo confitendi et puritate conscinetiae


c. 1472


Shoults Gb 1472 T
HC 1343*; BMC II 483; Goff T301; Kaplan 463; ISTC im00371850


[Speyer: Printer of the 'Gesta Christi']


Vellum boards; marbled endpapers; gilt edges.
Incipit page with provenance inscription (f.2a), Explicit (f.36b).


Often ascribed incorrectly to Thomas Aquinas or Bonaventura (cf. P. Michaud-Quantin, Sommes des casuistique et manuels de confession au moyen-age, Louvain, 1962; see also BMC II: 483). A copy in Munich BSB has a rubricator's date 1476. Letter tipped in Otago copy: '5 April 1924. Dear Sir [Bishop Nevill], I am glad you are getting some specimens of 15th century printing. I wish the Dominion Libraries would acquire more early English books instead of letting Dr Rosenbach convey all the best of them to the United States as he has been doing at the Christy Miller sale this week. I am sorry not to be able to confirm your hope that the edition of Aquinas De modo confitendi et de puritate conscientiae of which you have sent me photocopies is a Caxton. It was probably printed about the time Caxton was learning his craft. The printers name is unknown, but he is quoted as the Printer of the Gesta Christi (the title of one of his books), and worked at Speyer in 1472 and 1473. We have two copies of this edition in the Museum, press marked IA 8456 and IA 8457, and described on p.483 of the German section of our Catalogue of Books printed in the XVth century in the British Museum. Faithfully yours, A. W. Pollard. Keeper.'


Paper. [36] leaves; 200 x 140 mm (quarto).
Rounded Roman type.
Brief contents page f.1b.
F.2a: Incipit libellus Magistri Thome de Acq'no de modo [con]fitendi. & de puritate [con]scie.
F.36a: Explicit Libellus Magistri Thome de Acquino De modo confitendi. & de puritate consciencie Amen.
Captial spaces unpainted.
Annotations throughout text.


1. Ottobeuren, Benediktinerabtei St. Alexander und St. Theodor Schwaben
2. Canon William Ardene Shoults
3. Selwyn College; Otago University Library




Matthaeus de Cracovia, “De modo confitendi et puritate conscinetiae,” | OUR Heritage, accessed March 7, 2025,