Browse Items (83 total)

Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: 23 June; verso a: [watercolour sketch of the Sugar Loaves 75/163 ai]; verso b: [watercolour sketch 75/163 bi titled:] Henoi Bridge, Taranaki 23 June

Lower left (l.l.) in pencil: Your Special Correspondent by the sad sea waves, Taranaki, 2 July 1864

Lower right (l.r.) in pencil: Sharland’s Taranaki; verso: [unfinished sketch]

Verso in pencil: Auckland. This is the third attempt I have made at this view from the Domain, a very pretty kind of rough botanical garden of some extent. The large building, the House of Assembly. The Man of War lay in the stream, but the Pier and…

Lower left (l.l.) in pencil (a): Auckland Harbor 21 Sep 65 EAW [monogram]; (b) verso in pencil: [sketch of boat & seagulls]

Margin below image in pencil: Martin’s farm; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; chop (blindprint): Superfine; l.r. in pencil: 9.

Lower left (l.l.) - l.r. in pencil: The General’s whare, Ngaruawahia from opposite bank of Waikato, King’s Palace. Council Chamber, King’s flag; margin below image in iron gall ink: [page of Diary]; margin left of image in iron gall ink: [page…

Margin below image in ink: Pomare’s Pah, N.Z. Destroyed 30th April 1845. J.Williams 58th Reg.t; margin below image in pencil: 7; verso: B.
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